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This year I bought over $300 of Proven Winners annuals for my planters. The tour was at the end of July and everyone that toured mentioned how beautiful the annuals were. Many told me that their container plants looked terrible and wanted to know my secret. They thought I had a magical formula to induce blooming. I told them all to try Proven Winners next year, you get what you pay for!! I have 2 planters at the entrance of my gazebo, the planters are 2 feet high and very large. The Supertunias that I planted have grown so full and long that you can't see the containers!! How wonderful!!!
The dentist I work for came over last summer and was so impressed with my planters that he asked me to plant his planters this year. I used Proven Winners, of course. Our patients are impressed with the colors that greet them when they drive into the yard and when they walk along the curving walkway that leads to the office door.
Thank you for such wonderful plants. I can't wait for next spring so I can start all over again. Elaine, NH